It's been one year since Magento 2.0 hit GA. This milestone for Magento was a proud moment for us and our first major action since being fully separated from eBay. It also rang the bell for Magento 1, which entered LTS through November of 2018. As it stands now, there are over 7000 Magento 2 sites and considerable buzz, interest, and critique regarding Magento 2. This post is intended to help Magento 1 developers take a first step in to Magento 2, though it should be informative to folks who are entirely new to Magento.
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Ben Marks
Türchen 22: Magento EAV Attribute Setup
This post on EAV (Entity-Attribute-Value) in Magento intends to help developers understand the mechanics of EAV attribute modification, starting first with a quick description of EAV and then an explanation of the two main arbiters of attribute modification: addAttribute() and updateAttribute().