Vom 15.09 bis zum 17.09.2017 findet wieder die PHP-Unconference Europe statt. Allerdings unter anderem Namen aber in gewohnter Location.
Aktuelle Themen im Blog
Türchen 24: Frohe Weihnachten & Merry Christmas
Thanks to all various authors of our xmas-special. We hope you have enjoyed!
Türchen 23: Easytemplate - eine kurze Vorstellung
Magento kann viele Sachen ziemlich gut, eine Sache gehört jedoch nicht dazu: schöne Seiten einfach und schnell anlegen.
Türchen 22: Blackhat.Design: Weapons of Social Seduction
You are being seduced and persuaded to buy stuff you don’t need and to make choices you would not have made if your options were presented differently.
Türchen 21: Die Transformation vom Entwickler zum Unternehmer
Für viele Gründer ist der Weg zum Unternehmer eine Herausforderung. Mit diesem Beitrag möchte ich Dir in Form eines Rückblicks auf meine vergangenen 4 Jahre einige Tipps mitgeben für die Transformation vom Entwickler zum Unternehmer.
Türchen 20 : How to create a custom Lizards & Pumpkins REST API endpoint
One of core principles of Lizards & Pumpkins and what makes it extremely attractive…
Türchen 19: Worst Magento Practice
During years of working with Magento, Andreas von Studnitz has seen a lot of Magento shops. Not all of them were in a good shape, and this article will expose the most hair-raising issues. Some problems are obvious, some are not, but all are either dangerous, make Magento slow or are extremely ugly. Learn how to avoid the worst mistakes when setting up and running Magento.
Türchen 18: Magento 2 for Magento 1 Developers
It's been one year since Magento 2.0 hit GA. This milestone for Magento was a proud moment for us and our first major action since being fully separated from eBay. It also rang the bell for Magento 1, which entered LTS through November of 2018. As it stands now, there are over 7000 Magento 2 sites and considerable buzz, interest, and critique regarding Magento 2. This post is intended to help Magento 1 developers take a first step in to Magento 2, though it should be informative to folks who are entirely new to Magento.
Türchen 17: Better organize your dependencies and even your source code with composer
You probably know composer. Let me give you some tips and tricks about it, how powerful it is and how you can save a lot of time! Using aliases, metapackages or even projects. Mastering composer is not an easy task. But with Magento 2 you'll probably want to know more about it.